Mac Power 1996 June
NetBooks 2.5
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not, you will lose all of your work.□
Save before you close the Enter Bank Reconciliation window. If you do
Even if you are not done with your bank reconciliation, you must click
窶「 Make any necessary corrections.□
account on the bank statement.□
transactions that have been charged or credited to your□
Compare the list of +/- G/L adjustments you have entered to□
deposit) that is not reflected on your bank statement.□
窶「 You may have entered an "other" transaction (not a check or□
credit memos to those you have entered.□
memos. Compare the bank statement's debit memos and□
窶「 You may not have entered some of the bank's debit and credit□
Other Transactions:□
窶「 Make any necessary corrections.□
have been credited to your account on the bank statement.□
account. Compare the list of cleared deposits to deposits that□
transit and the bank has not credited the deposit to your□
窶「 You may have included a deposit as a cleared deposit that is in□
been credited to your account on the bank statement.□
deposits in transit (deposits not cleared) to deposits that have□
the bank has credited to your account. Compare the list of□
窶「 You may have included a deposit as a deposit in transit that□
Deposits in Transit□
窶「 Make any necessary corrections.□
those that have been charged to your bank statement.□
outstanding. Compare the list of paid (cleared) checks to□
窶「 You may have included a check as cleared that the bank has□
not cleared) to checks that have been charged to your bank□
has cleared. Compare the list of outstanding checks (checks□
窶「 You may have included a check as outstanding that the bank□
Outstanding Checks□
窶「 Make any necessary corrections.□
credited by the bank.□
amount of each deposit you have entered to the amount□
different than the amount you've entered. Compare the□
窶「 The bank may have credited a deposit for an amount that is□
the amount charged by the bank.□
Compare the face amount of each check you have entered to□
check. Or, you may have entered a handwritten check□
different than the amount you've written or printed on the□
窶「 The bank may have cleared a check for an amount that is□
entered for the bank reconciliation as follows:□
cleared and cleared transactions and review the information you have
If the difference is not zero, print the bank reconciliation for both not
reconciliation, the difference will be zero.□
DIFFERENCE - When you have successfully completed the bank
to reconcile.□
accounts' G/L control account at the end of the G/L period you've selected
BOOK BALANCE - The book balance is the G/L balance of the bank
and debit memos reflected on the bank statement□
窶「 you have posted all of the miscellaneous credit memos□
not cleared transactions is correct, and□
窶「 the information you have entered for both cleared and□
you've selected to reconcile) if□
of the bank accounts' G/L control account at the end of the G/L period
The adjusted balance will agree with your book balance (the G/L balance
statement, and you have not marked as cleared□
have entered, but have not been reflected on the bank□
窶「 plus/less the net balance of other transactions you□
窶「 less outstanding checks (checks not cleared), and□
窶「 plus deposits in transit (deposits not cleared)□
ADJUSTED BALANCE - The adjusted balance is the ending bank balance□
the bank balance by your bank.□
amount increased your G/L book balance but have not yet been added to
the bank balance in the bank reconciliation because the debit adjustment
G/L adjustments that increase (debit) your G/L book balance are added to
yet been subtracted from the bank balance by your bank.□
credit adjustment amount decreased your G/L book balance but have not
subtracted from the bank balance in the bank reconciliation because the
G/L adjustments that reduce (credit) your G/L book balance are
account on the bank statement.□
selected to reconcile, but have not been added or deducted from your
have posted to G/L periods equal to or before the G/L period you've
This amount shows the net balance of all of the other transactions you
that increased (debited) the checkbook balance.□
you may have entered into a special journal a wire transfer you received
reduced (credited) the checkbook balance for a bank debit memo fee. Or,
account. For example, you may have entered a general journal entry that
have entered other transactions that affect the checkbook G/L control
+/- G/L ADJUSTMENTS - In addition to checks and deposits, you may
but have not yet been subtracted from the bank balance by your bank.□
reconciliation because the check amount decreased your G/L book balance
Outstanding checks are subtracted from the bank balance in the bank
have not marked as cleared.□
have not been charged to your account on the bank statement, and you
periods equal to or before the G/L period you've selected to reconcile, but
This amount shows the balance of the checks you have posted to G/L
has not yet cashed a payroll check.□
but the vendor has not received it. Another example is that an employee
the checks. This may occur because you have mailed a check to a vendor
but have not been paid by the bank because the bank has not yet received
OUTSTANDING CHECKS - Outstanding Checks are checks you have written
but have not yet been added to the bank balance by your bank.□
because the deposits in transit amount increased your G/L book balance
Deposits in transit are added to the bank balance in the bank reconciliation
as cleared.□
have not been reflected on the bank statement, and you have not marked
periods equal to or before the G/L period you've selected to reconcile, but
This amount shows the balance of the deposits you have posted to G/L
a month should be credited by the bank on your next bank statement.□
but are not shown on the bank statement. Deposits in transit at the end of
DEPOSITS IN TRANSIT - Deposits in Transit are deposits you have entered
balance for the G/L Period you've selected.□
statement. This is the balance you are reconciling to the ending book
ENDING BANK BALANCE - Enter the ending balance from your bank
updated bank reconciliation.□
reconciled, you will need to update your reconciliation and print an
transactions that affect the checkbook G/L control account you've
Keep in mind that if, after you reconcile, you enter some additional
based on the Display Transactions you've selected.□
Deposits, Checks, and G/L Adjustments, cleared, not cleared, or both,
Reconciliation window. Starting on the second page is a detail listing of
information on the upper right-hand corner of the Enter Bank
The first page is the Bank Reconciliation Summary that includes the
PRINT BUTTON - If you want to print a bank reconciliation, click the Print
want to change.□
transaction, drag the mouse, and release it on the last transaction you
want to insert or delete a check mark for a group of transactions, click a
If you wish to insert or delete a check mark, click a transaction. If you
check mark to the right of the transaction amount, under Clear.□
indicated that a transaction has cleared the bank, NetBooks displays a
If you've selected to display Cleared transactions and have previously
NetBooks displays not cleared, cleared, or both.□
select to reconcile. Based on your Display Transactions selections,
only displays transactions posted prior to or within the G/L period you
displays are based on the Checkbook information you select. NetBooks
TRANSACTIONS - The checks, deposits, and other transactions NetBooks
that have and have not cleared the bank.□
cleared the bank. Click the All button to display and print transactions
Click the Cleared button to display and print the transactions that have
the transactions that have not cleared the bank.□
NetBooks defaults to the Not Cleared button. NetBooks displays and prints
窶「 both of the above□
窶「 that have cleared the bank, or□
窶「 that have not cleared the bank□
all of the checks, deposits, and other transactions□
DISPLAY TRANSACTIONS BUTTONS - You can choose to display and print
or the ending date of the G/L Period you are reconciling.□
reconciliation report. For example, you can use the bank statement date
RECONCILE DATE - Enter the date you want printed on your bank
checks, deposits and other transactions posted to G/L Period 7-1993 and
transactions posted to G/L Period 6-1993 and before, but will not display
Period 6-1993, NetBooks displays checks, deposits and other
before the G/L Period you've selected. For example, if you select G/L
to this G/L control account which were posted to G/L Periods equal to or
NetBooks displays checks, deposits, and other transactions you've posted
Regular or Special, NetBooks will reconcile both Regular and Special.□
Special, and both have 101-0 as the G/L control account. If you select
selected. For example, assume you have two checkbooks, Regular and
checkbooks with the same G/L control account as the checkbook you've
When you select a checkbook to reconcile, NetBooks will reconcile all
窶「 how you want to display your transactions to reconcile□
窶「 the reconcile date□
窶「 the G/L period you are reconciling□
In addition, you select□
displays the checkbook G/L control account number and name.□
CHECKBOOK - Select the checkbook you want to reconcile. NetBooks
deposits, and other transactions posted to the G/L period(s) you are
When you close G/L periods, NetBooks deletes all cleared checks,
updated bank reconciliation.□
reconciled, you will need to update your reconciliation and print an
transactions that affect the checkbook G/L control account you've
Keep in mind that if, after you reconcile, you enter some additional
bank that you have not yet entered.□
窶「 Debit Memos and Credit Memos: items processed by the□
but are not shown on the bank statement.□
窶「 Deposits in Transit: deposits you have entered□
received the checks.□
not been paid by the bank because the bank has not yet□
窶「 Outstanding Checks: checks you have written but have□
on your general ledger may be due to one or more of the following:□
Any difference between the balance on the bank statement and the balance
窶「 how you want to display your transactions to reconcile□
窶「 the reconcile date□
窶「 the G/L period you are reconciling□
窶「 the checkbook you want to reconcile□
You will use this window to select□
bank made any errors with your accounts.□
need to enter adjustments to correct your books, and determine if your
month, you verify the accuracy of your transactions, determine if you
reconciling your checkbooks after you receive the bank statements each
records into agreement is referred to as a bank reconciliation. By
bank keeps one set and you keep the other. Bringing these two sets of
There are two sets of records kept for each of your bank accounts. Your
□□□□□□□ツサEnter Bank Reconciliation□
changes to these individual period budgets.□
divided equally among each G/L period. If you wish, you can make
you entered an amount in Annual Budget field, the amount you entered is
amount. Enter G/L period amounts; do not enter year-to-date amounts. If
BALANCE - Click the Balance field for a G/L period, and enter your budget
G/L periods, the Annual Budget amount is updated automatically.□
G/L period, and enter your budget amount. As you enter amounts to the
enter a budget for individual G/L periods: Click the Balance field for a
individual G/L period budget. Also, you can skip this field if you wish to
period. You can enter an annual amount and make changes to any
amount you entered as an Annual Budget amount equally among each G/L
before entering amounts for individual G/L periods, NetBooks divides the
ANNUAL BUDGET AMOUNT - If you enter an amount in Annual Budget field
budget for the prior year, click Last Year. NetBooks displays the fiscal
information for your current fiscal year. If you wish to enter your
information for the prior fiscal year, or accept the default to enter budget
YEAR - NetBooks defaults to This Year. Click Last Year to enter budget
Enter G/L period amounts; do not enter year-to-date amounts.□
窶「 "Expense - a debit balance account"□
窶「 "Income - a credit balance account" OR...□
displays a message indicating the type of account you selected. For
expense G/L accounts. Enter a G/L account number, and NetBooks
ACCOUNT - You can enter budget information for each of your income and
G/L period amounts; do not enter year-to-date amounts.□
debit balance, enter the amount as a negative, with a minus sign. Enter
expense accounts. For example, if one of your income accounts has a
NetBooks automatically enters credits for income accounts and debits for
Expense: positive negative□
Income: negative positive□
Debits Credits□
You must enter G/L period budget amounts as follows:□
窶「 "Expense - a debit balance account"□
窶「 "Income - a credit balance account" OR...□
type of account you selected. For example:□
After you select an account, NetBooks displays a message indicating the
defaults to This Year.□
enter budget information for This Year and for Last Year. NetBooks
You can set up a budget for any income and expense G/L account. You can
□□□□□□□ツサEnter Budget Information□
select a recurring entry; then click the Setup button.□
SETUP BUTTON - If you wish to review or change a recurring entry, first
recurring entries.□
ENTER ALL BUTTON - Click the Enter All button to enter (post) all your
the Date you enter.□
appropriate. NetBooks posts the entry to the G/L period you select, not
date you prepared the entry. You should decide which type of date is most
The date may be today's date, the actual date of the transaction, or the
and press the D.□
transaction. To enter the Macintosh system date, hold down the OPTION
DATE - Enter a date to be associated with your recurring entry
order, while holding down the SHIFT.□
together, click the recurring entries you want in any□
窶「 To post recurring entries that are not grouped□
the last recurring entry.□
the SHIFT, and drag the mouse and release it on□
together, click the first recurring entry, hold down□
窶「 To post recurring entries that are grouped□
recurring entries.□
窶「 Click the Enter All button to post all your□
you can select recurring entries to be entered:□
your recurring entries at the same time. There are a number of ways
You can post recurring entries selectively. You do not have to post all
that you have not entered for each G/L Period.□
date; then select the G/L Period. NetBooks displays the recurring entries
Before you select the recurring entries you want to enter, first enter the
characters of your recurring entry explanations displayed.□
displayed in reference number order with approximately the first 25
Journal entry. To help you identify specific recurring entries, they are
When you enter a recurring entry, the transaction posts as a General
Use this window to enter (post) the recurring entries you have set up.
□□□□□□□ツサEnter Recurring Entries□
journal entry is referred to as an accrual.□
the current month which you have not yet received the bill. This type of
to record the estimate of an amount you owe for goods received during
and adjustments. For example, you would use a reversing journal entry
Reversing journal entries are useful for recording end-of-month accruals
your special journals.□
The Auto-Reverse button appears only in your General Journal, not in
Period 5.□
click Auto-Reverse button, the reversing journal entry is posted to G/L
For example, if you enter a General Journal entry in G/L Period 4 and
debits and credits switched.□
NetBooks enters a journal entry in the following G/L period, but with the
accounting period. In addition to posting the entry you've just entered,
Journal if you wish the opposite of this entry to be posted in the next G/L
AUTO-REVERSE BUTTON - Click the Auto Reverse button in your General
and reenter all the information.□
RESET BUTTON - Click the Reset button if you wish to clear the window
entered. NetBooks posts the transaction and updates all your records.□
POST BUTTON - Click the Post button to approve the information you
supporting documentation, sometimes referred to as posting source.□
number. You may wish to write this number on the journal entry
TRANSACTION NO. - NetBooks displays the next journal transaction
amount as a credit transaction and a debit to the Offset Account.□
as a negative, with a minus sign (-) because NetBooks posts a positive
you wish to enter a debit transaction, you must enter the transaction with
For example, if you selected a Debit Account for the Offset Account and
(DR=debits CR=credits)□
Credit Offset CR DR DR□
Debit Offset DR CR CR□
No Offset N/A DR & CR DR & CR□
Account Template not in template□
Offset Account Transactions-□
journals are posted as follows:□
Total-Credit or Offset Total-Debit field. Entries into your special
The debits and credits you entered are displayed in the Offset
Special journal with an Offset Account:□
the amount.□
enter credits as negative amounts with a minus sign (-) before or after
of No Account or Credit Account, enter debits as positive amounts, and
In the General Journal and in your special journals with an Offset Account
zero. You cannot click the Post button unless the transactions total is
Post button as the Total. NetBooks verifies that your entries total to
cumulative total of the transactions you entered is displayed above the
dollar amounts of debits equal the total dollar amounts of credits. The
The journal doesn't balance unless you enter the amounts so that total
General Journal and special journals with no Offset Account:□
journals have an Offset Total-Credit or Offset Total-Debit:□
TOTAL/OFFSET TOTAL - The General Journal has a Total and your special
account, NetBooks enters a -$239.43 (a credit) for the third G/L account.□
your second G/L account. If you enter a $100.00 debit for the second G/L
your first G/L account amount, NetBooks enters a -$139.43 (a credit) for
balancing entry for you. For example, if you enter a $139.43 debit for
with no Offset Account, NetBooks automatically tries to enter the
If you are entering amounts into your General Journal or a special journal
with a minus sign.□
Account, enter credits as plus amounts and debits as negative amounts,
credits are negative amounts. For journals with a Debit Account Offset
you enter amounts in the General Journal, debits are plus amounts and
For journals with a credit offset account, enter amounts the same way
Total field□
窶「 Offset Total-Credit or -Debit replaces the□
Amount Column□
窶「 A Debit or Credit column replaces the□
The window changes as follows:□
Journals with an Offset Account:□
(-) before or after the amount.□
Enter credits as negatives, with a minus sign□
Journals without an Offset Account:□
from left to right, starting with the left-most digit.□
AMOUNT - Enter the dollar amount of your transaction. Enter amounts
account, not in your journal's account template.□
an Account Template, you may still enter transactions to any G/L
displayed as prompts to help you enter your transactions. Even if you use
set up this journal, the G/L accounts you included in the template are
transactions are to be posted. If you enter an Account Template when you
ACCOUNT - Enter the G/L account numbers to which the journal
leave the Reference Number blank□
receipt number. Click RETURN or click to another field if you want to
or to identify a specific transaction, such as a charge ticket number or
transactions, such as end-of-month closing entries and expense accruals,
Use the Reference Number to classify and group certain types of
identify the transaction.□
REFERENCE NO. - Enter up to seven alphanumeric characters that uniquely
appropriate. NetBooks posts the entry to the G/L period you have
date you calculated the entry. You should decide which date is most
The date may be today's date, the actual date of the transaction, or the
date, hold down the OPTION and press the D.□
format you've selected in Preferences. To enter the Macintosh system
DATE - Enter a date to be associated with your journal transaction in the
click the Post button.□
After you have entered your transactions and have verified the total,
"Offset Total-Credit" or "-Debit" Total field.□
with a "Debit" or "Credit" column instead of an "Amount" column, and an
If you set up your journal with an Offset Account, the window appears
total is zero.□
total to zero. You cannot click the Post button unless the transactions
Total field above the Post button. NetBooks verifies that your entries
cumulative total of the transactions you have entered is displayed as the
dollar amounts of debits equal the total dollar amounts of credits. The
transactions don't balance unless you enter the amounts so that total
If you set up your journal without an Offset Account, your journal
to enter. NetBooks displays the journal you selected.□
another journal, click the Journals field, and select the journal you want
NetBooks defaults to the General Journal. If you wish to change to
□□□□□□□ツサEnter Journals□
□□□□□□□ツサEnter General Ledger Menu□